Thursday, January 31, 2019 – 25 Shevat 5779

Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

Moses tells the Israelites to rest the land in the seventh year, and rest the living on the seventh day.

In a world full of activity and busyness, it is difficult to sit still.  Yet, compassionate action sometimes means sitting without acting – just being.  (Compassion, p. 129)

Friday, February 1, 2019 – 26 Shevat 5779

Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

God reviews His plan to bring His people to the Promised Land, and to send an angel before the people to guard them on their journey…..

You are surrounded by holiness in the form of angels you may not see yet who see you; angels you may not hear, yet who hear you; angels you may not touch, yet who touch you deeply.  Each direction in space is inhabited by a different administering angel of God: Michael on your right, Gabriel on your left, Uriel in front of you, Raphael behind you, and the Shekhina entering from above the head to dwell within you.  (Intention, p. 53)

Saturday, February 2, 2019 – 27 Shevat 5779

Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

Moses ascends the mountain to receive the written tablets of the Ten Commandments, and stays forty days and forty nights.

When your thoughts, words, and actions are in tune with the ultimate Source, you will not deplete your energy.  Working in union with God is effortless work and joyful service.  This way of working is the skill of the one who knows how to sit, silence the static, and hear the inner voice.  (Success, p. 226)

Sunday, February 3, 2019 – 28 Shevat 5779

Terumah: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19

Here begins the instruction for the building of the sanctuary….From all those whose hearts are willing, a gift offering to the Lord.

Consider the ways you come nearer to God, and let them be in the gifts you offer to a higher Source, for a purpose that serves the greater goodness of humanity.  (Strength, p. 161)

Monday, February 4, 2019 – 29 Shevat 5779

Terumah: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19

God lists the thirteen items needed to form the Mishkan and the Kohanim garments.

With clear, pure intention you can accomplish any goal.  The purest intention comes from a sincere desire within you to join your will to God’s will.  When you unite your intention with God’s intention, heaven unites with earth and infinite possibilities are born.  (Intention, p. 33)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 – 30 Shevat 5779

Terumah: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19

God says, “Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.”

There is a house of God to which all peoples are invited, where you dwell for short periods of time in order to receive guidance and refreshment along the route of life.  In that house, your mind is cleared, your heart is opened, and your soul is free.  In that house, you are unconditionally loved.  The only entrance to that house is through your intention.  (Harmony, p. 180)

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 – 1 Adar I 5779

Terumah: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19

Ultimately, the peace you experience in the still points of your life is found in the moments when you dwell in the house of God.  As you step onto the plateau of the next sojourn in your life, be aware that the house of God is both the garment of the universe and the sanctuary within you.  May you reach the peace of the high places, in the deep recesses of the ordinary roads of your everyday life, and may you know that equanimity dwells therein.  Then may you know yourself in the words of the psalmist, “I am all peace.”  (Harmony, p. 181)