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Mazel tov to Drs. Lisa and Douglas Weiner on the birth of their new granddaughter, Noa Eden Winer-Seelig, parents Jenny and Ryan.

Mazel tov to Rachel Rose on becoming a great-grandmother to a beautiful baby girl.

Mazel Tov to Amy and Marty Seigel, grandparents and Garett and Jill Seigel, parents on the birth of baby Jacob Archer Seigel, Hebrew name Yaacov!

…to Dee Sacks on becoming a great-grandmother (again), this time to baby Cohen Lee Corbett, son of Darion and Eric.

Mazel tov to Irene Yovu and Joe D’amico on their engagement



Mazel tov to Gilah Fish and AJ Altman and parents Renee Greene and Michael Fish on Gilahs and AJ’s engagement.


Mazel tov to Susie and Ronnie Gotlin on their 60th Wedding Anniversary June 9th.