Yom Kippur in Davie – Miniaci Center

Date(s) - 09/25/2023
10:30 am - 7:45 pm

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HIGH HOLY DAYS 5784   –    Yom Kippur

Monday, September 25th at 10:30 am at
The Miniaci Performing Arts Center in Davie.

If you are unable to meet the ticket donation or have questions, please contact the office at

TAOAdmin@TAOCenter.net or (954) 888-1408.


TAO 2023 BREAK-OUT SESSIONS – Choose any session 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm 

ONLINE – SOCIAL HOUR on ZOOM with Chaiya Isenberg

You asked for it – and TAO delivers. Join us as we schmooze and share New Year Greetings with all our favorite TAO people and guests. Use this time to meet and greet family, friends, and community on Zoom. While we all can’t be together in person this year, we can spend some time during the holidays together on Zoom – catching up and making plans for a new and better 5784, filled with health and many opportunities to celebrate life!   Chaiyala@aol.com

BOX  OFFICE ALCOVE – Blessing and One-On-One Pastorl Counseling – Reb Chaya Lerner

Reb Chaya will be available throughout the afternoon for all who desire a blessing and some pastoral counseling. With our personal gates still open, this is for your heart’s deep personal prayer and a red string around your wrist to remember. divinehealingwell.com  –  crlerner09@gmail.com

#1 CHILDCARE ROOM – 3 Things You Don’t Knnow About Intuition and You Should – Halley Elise

In this experiential Breakout Session, you will learn how your intuition can save your life.  We will discover how to gain access to your own intuitive abilities with ease and understand individual, intuitive intelligence.  HalleyElise.com ~  561-755-2166

#2 Green Room Behind Stage – Use QiGong to Create Healing and Miracles in Your Daily Life as We Enter the New Year! with Alla Esther Levy & Thomas Patullo

Join us for a relaxing, fun and participatory workshop where we will discuss and experience some of the benefits of Qi Gong. Esther@AllaEstherLevy.com  ~  PatulloThomas@gmail.com

#3 First Floor Lobby – Biblical Animals in a Time of Crisis: Donkeys, Rams & Whales – Reb Miryam Wolfson

Animals play a deep and rich part of our Biblical High Holy Day narratives.  Abraham rides a donkey to Mount Moriah, and finds a ram caught in the thicket on Rosh Hashanah.  In our Yom Kippur readings, Jonah is swallowed by a “big fish” and spends three days in its gut.  What is the wisdom we can learn from these Biblical animals and from creatures in our world today? (Based on study with Rabbi Laura Duhan Kaplan: check out her book, Mouth of the Donkey).  margolwolfson@gmail.com

#4 Stage – Learn Face & Foot Massage with Peter Fox, Healing Hands

During this experiential session, we’ll practice some simple, soothing massage techniques for the face, scalp, and feet on ourselves and on one another, applying our hands (literally) to help ourselves and others feel relaxed, restored, and rejuvenated. Come prepared to lie down (bring a yoga mat if possible) and let go. Peter provides face and foot massage creams, hand sanitizer, some pillows and a reflexology chair.  PeterFoxMassage@gmail.com

Auditorium – 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – “The Job of a Citizen to Know the Difference Between Facts and Alternative Facts in an Age of Increasing Authoritarianism” – Mitchell Berger

Auditorium – 5:00 pm – 5:15 pm – Meditation Transition with Victoria Lichtman

Auditorium – 5:15 pm 7:15 pm – N’eilah Service – Miniaci Theater

Auditorium – 7:15 pm – HAVDALLAH Service



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