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We wholeheartedly welcome our new members:
Welcome new members: Jill Freedman, Joy Gordon-Associate Member, Marla Hannah Brownstein, Patricia & Jason Milrad and their children, Andrea Perez, Gail Rogers, Rona Trachtenberg, Adam Metsch, Jacqueline & Stephanie Ripstein, Rebekah & Clay Dickinson, Susan Foti, Jason Milrad & Family, Rochelle Milrad & Family. Welcome back Marti Sinnreich, Elyn Zerfas, Sharon Stern, Dianne and Nick Lerner and Barry Ptashkin, and welcome to Terrie and Tom Hind, Meryl Davids, welcome back Elisa and Michael Laszlo and family, The Morris Family: Drew, Ryann, Jonah, & Aria. Chaya Lerner. Welcome back Gilbert Squires. Welcome associate member Laurie Schwartz, Steven Kessler, Wendy Narzem, Margo Wolfson, Betsy Bennett, Adam Idelle, Esther Idelle, Jessica Walker, Reb Chaya Lerner, Chaya Eisenstein, David Pearlman, Ricki and Gene Gorman; Garry, Jackie and Jordan Jaffe
June 10 – Welcome also to our anonymous new member.